

AI Automatic Hematology Analyzer with RET, NRBC, Body Fluid

Manufacturer: Dymind

Model: DH800

AI Technology, Automcatic, Comprehensive

Automatic Hematology Analyzer equipped with advanced AI Technology, DH-800 offers automatic and comprehensive capabilities for detecting abnormal WBC/RBC/PLT, used in RET, NRBC, and body fluids tests, to meet the diverse demands of different end-users.

It’s an ideal choice for public hospitals, oncology centers, and Ministry of Health institutions, ensuring precise and efficient hematology diagnosis

Download : Dymind DH800

Auto-Loader 6-Part (+Ret) Hematology Analyzer

Manufacturer: Dymind

Model: DH615

AI Technology, Efficient, Comprehensive

With brand new AI cube technology, DH-615 indicates accurate and comprehensive information of 6 DIFF and RET parameters, which can provide trusty means for hematological diagnosis.

Download : DymindDH615

ِAuto-Loader 5-Part Hematology Analyzer

Manufacturer: Dymind

Model: DH76

Automatic, Reliable, Intuitive

Electrical Impedance method for WBC/BAS count and RBC/PLT tests

Cyanide free colorimetry for HGB test

Laser-based flow cytometry for WBC differentiation

Laser-based flow cytometry for WBC differentiation

Mini 5-Part Hematology Analyzer

Manufacturer: Dymind

Model: DF55

Economic, Compact, Intuitive

Flow cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter for WBC test

lmpedance method for RBC and PLT test

Cyanide free colorimetry for HGB test

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