

Model: CA101

Manufacturer: Sysmex

The CA-101 uses turbo-densitometry and combines the best of both mechanical and optical detection principles. The lamp intensity automatically adjusts to sample turbidity, which means all samples are properly analysed with constant high quality results. Results are automatically calculated for PT and fibrinogen. They can be output to an optional external printer.

Model: CA620

Manufacturer: Sysmex

The CA-620 is a compact, fully automated coagulation analyser that combines proven and successful characteristics – such as the optical detection technology and the reagent system of its predecessors – with new features. It is an attractive choice as a primary analyser for routine coagulation testing in low-volume haemostasis laboratories. But you can equally use it as a powerful backup instrument in a larger lab. The CA-620 has a solid construction, is hard-wearing and robust. And with its reliable performance, it will support you day in, day out, for years to come.

Model: CA660

Manufacturer: Sysmex

The CA-660 analyser is a compact, fully automated coagulation analyser system which utilises the proven optical detection technology and the same reagent system of Sysmex coagulation family analysers. It (Sysmex CA-660 Analyser) offers high performance automation for both routine specialty haemostasis testing such as D-dimer and von Willebrand Factor activity. Combining the simplicity of use and diagnostic power, the laboratory can be confident that they continuously stay ahead in haemostasis testing with the Sysmex CA-660 analyser.

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